Cellulite Massage Cups

This little cup is designed to improve cellulite. By squeezing and releasing the silicone cup against the skin, the suction creates a vacuum, that lifts and stretches tight, connective, fibrous bands in the subcutaneous dermis. The reverse massage also boosts circulation and lymphatic system drainage, encouraging healthy nutrient-rich blood to release and flush away toxins and retained fluid.
How are they used?
Step 1
Apply body oil to the area to be treated
Step 2
Squeeze the cup and apply the base to your skin to create firm suction
Step 3
Slowly slide the cup in circular, sweeping and zig zag motions, massaging each area for a few minutes daily
What is cellulite?
Cellulite is a skin condition, where fat deposits appear dimpled due to tight fibrous bands in the connective tissue (aka fascia), pulling and puckering the skin. Cellulite affects nearly 90% of women, even those who are slim. Genetics, hormone imbalances, hormone-based contraceptives, exercise, diet, circulation and lymphatic drainage all play a role in what degree of cellulite an individual has.
How does it work?

The Beauty Toolbox Cellulite Treatment Cup treats cellulite, breaking up and smoothing lumpiness via reverse massage. The flexible silicone cup is applied to the skin by suction, creating a vacuum that lifts, lifts and stretches the connective fibrous tissues in the subcutaneous dermis. This also encourages the circulation of healthy nutrient-rich blood to release and flush away toxins and retained fluid through lymphatic system drainage.

Efficacy Study
Link to Study
"Patients’ mean grade of cellulite on thigh was 2.4 (SD:0.81) for pre-test and 1.68 (SD:0.57) for post-test. The decrease of grade of cellulite between pre- andpost-test was statistically significant (t=10.14, p=0.00). "